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伤感文案 感情不是等你有空再来珍惜的

100次浏览     发布时间:2025-01-01 10:34:47    

☛ 没有朋友,没有社交,失眠是真的,不开心也是真的。

No friends, no socializing, insomnia is true, and unhappiness is also true.

☛ 忽冷忽热,反反复复,自己玩吧,恕不奉陪!

Hot and cold, over and over again, play by yourself, I'm sorry!

☛ 想用你的名字来拒绝所有人,但终究也只是想想而已...

I want to use your name to reject everyone, but after all, I just think about it. ...

☛ 我们都应该不期而遇的再次见面,可是并没有,花也没有再开。

We should all meet again unexpectedly, but we didn't, and the flowers didn't bloom again.

☛ 他说我好骗,说我恶心,叫我滚,不要去烦他,我哭了一夜,他和别人聊到凌晨,也没问过我一句。

He said I was gullible and disgusting, and told me to get out of here and leave him alone. I cried all night, and he talked to others until the early hours of the morning without asking me a word.

☛ 四季不止诗和远方,还有这人间草木。

The four seasons are not only poetry and distance, but also the vegetation on earth.

2025-01-04 10:33:03
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